# Writing a Plugin

Zephyr was designed to make plugin implementation a breeze. Zephyr is bundled with support for common archive formats such as WAR, JAR, and Spring Boot applications. Let's start with a Zephyr Hello World!

# Hello World!

# Step 0: Check out the Hello World Tutorial Project

First, checkout the zephyr-tutorials (opens new window) by executing git clone git@github.com:sunshower-io/zephyr-tutorials && git checkout hello-world

You will see the following directory structure

├── build.gradle
├── gradle
│   └── wrapper
│       ├── gradle-wrapper.jar
│       └── gradle-wrapper.properties
├── gradle.properties
├── gradlew
├── gradlew.bat
├── lessons
│   └── 1
│       └── hello-world
│           ├── build.gradle
│           ├── pom.xml
│           └── src
│               └── main
│                   ├── java
│                   │   └── io
│                   │       └── zephyr
│                   │           └── lessons
│                   │               └── helloworld
│                   │                   └── HelloWorldModuleActivator.java
│                   └── resources
│                       └── META-INF
│                           └── services
│                               └── io.zephyr.api.ModuleActivator
├── mvnw
├── mvnw.cmd
├── pom.xml
├── README.md
├── settings.gradle
└── settings.xml

# Password

Since Github does not currently allow public (unauthenticated) access to package repositories, use the following read-only personal access token ($PAT):


# Step 1: Set your environment variables and system properties

Set the environment-variable ZEPHYR_REPO_PASSWORD to $PAT (the value above)


In the settings.xml file, replace the <password>${ENV.ZEPHYR_REPO_PASSWORD}</password> segment with $PAT above in the section:


# Step 2: Add the Personal Access Token to the gradle.properties file

In $HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties set the property repoAccessToken to $PAT. It will look like:



# Step 3: Build your plugin

In the zephyr-tutorials project, run mvn clean install && gradle clean build. This will produce WAR file at zephyr-tutorials/lessons/1/hello-world/build/libs/hello-world.war. This is your plugin archive

# Download a Zephyr Distribution

Grab the latest Zephyr distribution (opens new window) from https://github.com/sunshower-io/zephyr/releases (opens new window) (either zephyr-main.tar or zephyr-main.zip)--if you're on Windows, you'll probably want the zip distribution. If you're on linux you'll probably want the tar distribution.

Extract the distribution by either right-clicking on it and selecting unzip or running tar xvf zephyr-main.tar

You will get this directory structure:

├── zephyr-main
│   ├── bin
│   │   ├── zephyr
│   │   └── zephyr.bat
│   └── lib .../etc

In a terminal, CD into zephyr-main (the parent of bin) and start the zephyr server via ./bin/zephyr-home -h ./zephyr-home -s -c 2 &


  1. -h specifies the ZEPHYR_HOME directory (defaults to $HOME/.zephyr)
  2. -s start the server
  3. -c the number of threads to allocate to the kernel. Defaults to 2

This will start the server in the background. You may trace its logs by locating the logs directory and tailing the latest logs (you'll see something like:)

$ tail -f zephyr.log
12/11/2021 12:36:30.799 - [io.zephyr.kernel.launch.KernelLauncher.scheduleTasks] - [INFO:main] - Scheduling Entry Point io.zephyr.logging.LogEntryPoint@157696f...
12/11/2021 12:36:30.815 - [io.zephyr.kernel.launch.KernelLauncher.scheduleTasks] - [INFO:main] - Successfully scheduled Entry Point io.zephyr.logging.LogEntryPoint@157696f
12/11/2021 12:36:30.815 - [io.zephyr.kernel.launch.KernelLauncher.scheduleTasks] - [INFO:main] - Scheduling Entry Point io.zephyr.banner.Banner@7ed70f...
12/11/2021 12:36:30.815 - [io.zephyr.kernel.launch.KernelLauncher.scheduleTasks] - [INFO:main] - Successfully scheduled Entry Point io.zephyr.banner.Banner@7ed70f
12/11/2021 12:36:30.815 - [io.zephyr.kernel.launch.KernelLauncher.scheduleTasks] - [INFO:main] - Scheduling Entry Point io.zephyr.kernel.launch.KernelLauncher@9d10bd...
12/11/2021 12:36:30.815 - [io.zephyr.kernel.launch.KernelLauncher.scheduleTasks] - [INFO:main] - Successfully scheduled Entry Point io.zephyr.kernel.launch.KernelLauncher@9d10bd
12/11/2021 12:36:30.815 - [io.zephyr.kernel.launch.KernelLauncher.scheduleTasks] - [INFO:main] - Scheduling Entry Point io.zephyr.kernel.modules.shell.ZephyrCliEntryPoint@1479c6...
12/11/2021 12:36:30.815 - [io.zephyr.kernel.launch.KernelLauncher.scheduleTasks] - [INFO:main] - Successfully scheduled Entry Point io.zephyr.kernel.modules.shell.ZephyrCliEntryPoint@1479c6
12/11/2021 12:36:30.831 - [io.zephyr.kernel.launch.KernelLauncher.runAll] - [WARNING:main] - Entry Point java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@67f029[Completed normally] has successfully exited
12/11/2021 12:36:30.831 - [io.zephyr.kernel.launch.KernelLauncher.runAll] - [WARNING:main] - Entry Point java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@1a20f67[Completed normally] has successfully exited

# Start the Zephyr Client

In the same terminal, execute ./bin/zephyr -i where -i stands for interactive. Zephyr will display its banner.

$ ./bin/zephyr -i
Nov 12, 2021 12:36:30 PM io.zephyr.kernel.launch.KernelLauncher doLaunch
INFO: Zephyr Kernel Initiated...
Nov 12, 2021 12:36:30 PM io.zephyr.kernel.launch.KernelLauncher initialize
INFO: Initializing Entry Point io.zephyr.logging.LogEntryPoint@157696f...
Welcome to
 _____              __
/__  /  ___  ____  / /_  __  _______
  / /  / _ \/ __ \/ __ \/ / / / ___/
 / /__/  __/ /_/ / / / / /_/ / /
/____/\___/ .___/_/ /_/\__, /_/
         /_/          /____/

ZephyrCore :: Kernel Version 2.8.5.Final:: Revision <>
Build: <>

Start the Kernel by running kernel start

You'll see:

kernel start
Kernel is not running
Starting Zephyr Kernel
Successfully started Zephyr Kernel
Failed to restore kernel state.  Reason:
Modules installed:

Don't worry about the warnings--they're informational.

# Install your plugin!

Locate your hello-world.war under zephyr-tutorials/lessons/1/hello-world/build/libs and grab its absolute path via realpath hello-world.war. Then, returning to your Zephyr terminal, run plugin install <path>.

For instance, mine is at C:/Users/josiah/dev/source/github.com/zephyr-tutorials/lessons/1/hello-world/build/libs/hello-world.war

This should result in the following output:

Will install:
Successfully scheduled plugin installation set
Beginning download of plugin at 'Module{io.zephyr.tutorials:hello-world:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT}'
successfully installed plugins
Successfully installed plugin 'io.zephyr.tutorials:hello-world:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
successfully installed plugins

# Familiarize yourself with the Zephyr CLI

plugin list

In your zephyr terminal, run plugin list. You should see:

Modules installed:
 io.zephyr.tutorials:hello-world:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT | state Resolved

plugin start In your terminal, execute plugin startio.zephyr.tutorials:hello-world:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT`

You will see:

Hello from io.zephyr.tutorials:hello-world:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

output to the terminal

plugin stop In your terminal, execute: plugin stop io.zephyr.tutorials:hello-world:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT You will see:

Goodbye from io.zephyr.tutorials:hello-world:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

Note on State Zephyr automatically saves and restores plugin state upon restarts. Plugins that are inactive upon stopping the kernel will remain inactive when it starts. Plugins that are active upon stopping the kernel will be activated when the kernel starts.